Created originally for a part of a philosophy grade requirement, but will probably continue after I complete the course.
My very first blog
Published on June 18, 2004 By Andrea Nelson In Misc
Because I am not technologically inclined, I do not know if this will even work. "This" meaning my first attempt at posting on my blog. Sole purpose of this blog is to be a portion of my philosophy grade, which means I better get this crazy thing working! I am keeping this short and sweet for the time being, especially since I do not know if this will even post. We all know the heartbreak when you type out an extraordinarily long, complex, and wonderful email only to have the darn thing erased mid-send. So, here's to the wonderful world of philosophy blogging. Wish me luck!
on Jun 18, 2004
Good luck
on Jun 18, 2004
Well done !!!!!!!!!
on Jun 18, 2004
Nicely written, and good luck...

on Jun 18, 2004
I'm intrigued. How is this part of your philosophy grade? Sounds like a cool assignment whatever it is!

Good luck!
on Jun 18, 2004
For those who are wondering (and I appreciate the wonderment) the philosophy blog is an experiment my professor has put forth in contrast to traditional grading. It is optional, and seeing as I am already doing a great deal of independent work on my senior thesis, I thought I would give it a try. Who knows when I might have this opportunity again. In any event, we are to keep an ongoing journal, which is to be a little less structured than the method of traditional paper writing. There is as much writing involved as the traditional grading scheme. Also, the professor is keeping his own blog.
on Jun 18, 2004
Wow. Do you all have to keep them on the same site? Are there specific topics that you have to write about? Or is it no-holds bar?

on Jun 18, 2004
Shadesofgrey-We may all have our own individual sites; the professor's is kept on his webpage through the university. We can also hand in paper copies of what we write, which is what I intend to do, because I don't trust these infernal machines....We have to keep on topic of the course (the dead white guy philosophy, as our prof. calls it) but from there, to be cliche, the sky's the limit. We can apply the philosophy to modern day, to a movie we saw, or just discuss it. It has to be well thought out, well written, and worth his time to read. A very independent project, although if we are not following the right path in terms of content, length, etc. he will let us know. I appreciate the interest in this!